Stream. Experience. Enjoy!
SEE for yourself what The West Coast Jewish Theatre is all about!
We are offering you 3 FREE video streams of our most critically acclaimed productions and 1 Premium Show below:
Free Show 1
Fugu (2017)
Written by Steven G. Simon and Howard Teichman and Directed by Howard Teichman. FUGU is the untold story of how the Japanese government inadvertently saved six thousand Jewish lives during WWII. FUGU was produced by Bill Froggatt and Howard Teichman for the West Coast Jewish Theatre and was performed at the Pico Playhouse. The play opened January 28, 2017 to rave reviews and was voted one of the ten best plays in Los Angeles during the 2017 theatrical season. The play was directed by Howard Teichman.

Free Show 2
O My God (2015)
A note from Howard Teichman, O My God director and WCJT artistic director: O My God won “Best Play of Israel” in 2012. Playwright Anat Gov did not live long enough to receive her accolades. Like the hand of God, I was drawn to this play, because of what it has to say about faith, belief, and how we cope with our everyday lives. As an Israeli living in a country that is surrounded by other countries that want to blow you out of existence, Ms. Gov has provided us with a play that is filled with hope, laughter, and lots of heart. Her masterful dialogue engages us to think long and hard about what is important in our lives and what can do to change it.

Free Show 3
The Whipping Man (2014)
It is April, 1865. The Civil War is over and throughout the South, slaves are being freed, soldiers are returning home and in Jewish homes, the annual holiday of Passover is being celebrated. Into the chaos of war-torn Richmond comes Caleb DeLeon, a young Jewish Confederate officer who has been severely wounded. He finds his family’s home in ruins and abandoned, save for two former slaves, Simon and John, who wait in the empty house for the family’s return. As the three men wait for signs of life to return to the city, they wrestle with their shared past, the bitter irony of Jewish slave-owning and the reality of the new world in which they find themselves.

Watch The Follies!
We’re still not able to crowd in theatres just yet, but the West Coast Jewish Theatre has a wonderful evening of VIRTUAL entertainment for you! Click the Buy Now button below to order your tickets and let us know what day and time you would like to watch the show!